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Common Hour

Join us for Common Hour at 10am for Bible Studies, Sunday School, meetings, fellowship, children and youth activities, and more!

Explore what's available during Common Hour to see where you want to get plugged in:

Mission & Outreach   |   Children   |   Youth   |   Adults

Nursery care available every Sunday from 8:45am - 12:00pm

Trained and experienced child-care providers from our FUMC Day School will care for your littlest ones while you participate in groups, classes, or just fellowship. Nursery care is located in the Nursery Sanctuary in the North Building. Contact Andrea Ibanez ( ).

Mission & Outreach

Hands & Feet (... and Something to Eat!)

An intergenerational time of fellowship and service. Come, have a bite to eat and serve together while learning about how we are God’s Church in our community!

WHO: Children, youth, and adults - ALL are welcome! (Children and youth through 8th grade must be accompanied by parent or adult)

WHERE: West Overflow Room (Sanctuary/North Building)

CONTACT: Susan ( )



J.A.M. (Jesus & Me)

Engaging, fun, multi-age Bible story, fellowship, and learning time.

WHO: Kindergarten - 5th Grade

WHERE: Children's Corner (Sanctuary/North Building)

CONTACT: Andrea Ibanez ( )


Sunday Youth Class

All youth (6th-12th grade) are welcome to join us for Sunday Youth Class during the 10am Common Hour in the Koinonia Room in the South Building. It is a time of fun, fellowship, Bible study, outreach, and mission projects. If you have any questions, contact Wayne Johnson at .

Other Opportunities for Youth during Common Hour:

  • Serve as a helper with the J.A.M. children's program in the Children's Corner (contact Andrea)
  • Help with outreach ministry at the Hands and Feet activity, usually in the West Overflow Room off the Sanctuary


Friendship Class

Inquisitive individuals and couples studying contemporary issues and Bible studies led by members or invited speakers as they learn to incorporate into their lives the teachings of Christ. The class members are eager to welcome all people into the class.

WHERE: Social Room East (South Building)

CONTACT: David ( )

Open Door Class

WHERE: Room 209 (Education Building)

CONTACT: Donna Gibson (text 714-981-1519)

Aldersgate/Trinity Class

Using the United Methodist Adult Bible Studies materials, we engage with Scripture in a "Socratic method," hearing how the Scriptures speak to each of us. "Come, See, and Experience!"

WHERE: Keystone Room (Gym/South Building)

CONTACT: Steve ( )