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Stephen Ministry

As a church, we are called to reach out and offer Jesus’ love and care.

McAllen First United Methodist has a trained team of Stephen Ministers, who are lay caregivers who will meet weekly with a hurting person to listen, care, pray and embody God’s presence in the person’s life These individuals have received more than fifty hours of training in how to provide confidential, Christian-based, one-to-one care for church members and members of the community who are experiencing challenging life circumstances. Such circumstances might include the loss of a loved one, a major medical crisis, chronic illness or disability, divorce, relocation, major life transition (retirement, relocation, empty-nester, etc.) or family caregiver stress. If you are interested in learning more about Stephen Ministry Services, please contact Deb Howard (210-394-6480) or Wayne Johnson (956-607-5566).

What is Stephen Ministry?

In Acts 6, Stephen was among those chosen to provide caring ministry to those in need. Since Jesus’ time, caring ministry has been a hallmark of the Christian faith community.

Stephen Ministry offers a proven and effective way to organize, equip, and supervise a team of congregation members—called Stephen Ministers—to provide high-quality, one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people in the congregation and the community experiencing life difficulties.

Click here to learn more.

Becoming a Stephen Minister

Becoming a Stephen Minister is a commitment, but the rewards are amazing! You will grow spiritually and personally, you’ll gain relational skills to use in all facets of life, be a part of a supportive Christian community, and have the opportunity to see God at work in and through yourself by bringing hope and healing to another person. Interested in serving as a Stephen Minister? Click here.

As a Stephen Minister, you will...

1. Make a real difference in the lives of people who are hurting.

Stephen Ministers walk alongside people going through life challenges like grief, divorce, a medical crisis, job loss, and more. They offer care, support, and encouragement, connecting hurting people with Christ’s healing love during some of the hardest times in their lives.

2. Help our congregation ensure that no one suffers alone.

Caring for one another is a hallmark of the Christian faith. As a Stephen Minister, you will play a crucial role in helping our congregation carry out that mission so that, even if we can’t take away their pain, those who are suffering know our church truly cares.

3. Learn what to say and do—and what not to say and do—to care effectively for people who are suffering.

Stephen Minister training teaches highly practical caregiving and relational skills that equip and empower you with everything you need to effectively care for others. In addition to preparing you for caring ministry, these skills can help you deepen and enhance relationships in all facets of your life—with family, friends, coworkers, and others.

4. Be involved in meaningful ministry that uses your spiritual gifts.

Serving as a Stephen Minister gives people an opportunity to put their spiritual gifts into action—gifts such as faith, mercy, compassion, and encouragement. Ministry that draws on your gifts is personally fulfilling and touches people’s lives in powerful ways.

5. Deepen your faith as you see God at work through your ministry.

Providing care while trusting in God is at the core of Stephen Ministry. Stephen Ministers regularly say how their faith deepens as they experience training, learn to use distinctively Christian caring tools, and witness God at work in the lives of their care receivers.

6. Be part of a group of caring Christians who support each other as they care for those who are hurting.

One of the blessings of being a Stephen Minister is being part of a community of people who care, all of whom lift one another up as they strive together to provide the best possible ministry. The strong relationships you’ll form are both rewarding and a great source of support.

7. Join a worldwide tradition of caring ministry.

Congregations all over the world use Stephen Ministry—and have trained hundreds of thousands of Stephen Ministers who have gone on to care for millions of hurting people. It’s this ongoing tradition of “Christ caring for people through people” that you’ll join as a Stephen Minister.

Watch videos of how you can make difference here.


Interested in Becoming a Stephen Minister?

Fill out the form below or contact Deb Stark at 210-394-6480 or Wayne Johnson at 956-607-5566.

Interested in Becoming a Stephen Minister

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