A number of people have inquire about the process going forward with our goal of building a sanctuary, music, nursery and administrative space. Let me lay out the steps forward in our process.
- After commitment Sunday on March 27, the Building and Design Committee (B & D) will convene to review the results of our Harvesting the Fruit campaign and to determine the financial resources available and committed over the next three years.
- The Building and Design Committee will be in conversation with the Finance Committee and Administrative Board with a recommendation regarding moving forward with the project.
- If the church agrees, the B & D will direct our architects to complete the construction drawings. This process will take several months and much work.
- After construction plans are complete, the project will be let out for bids by contractors.
- Once that process is complete we will hold a church conference to receive the B & D’s recommendation and vote to actually begin construction.
The process is long, but important. I want to thank everyone who has worked tirelessly toward making this campaign a success. Also, a big thank you and praise God for all who prayed, “Lord, what do you want to do through me?” and faithfully listened to God and responded.
On another note…April 10 is Inside/Out Sunday 2016. This is our fourth year and our community has been blessed in numerous ways by so many of our folks spending three hours serving in our community on a Sunday morning. So many of you have spoken to me of how blessed you have felt having this opportunity to serve. I believe this is a win/win. The community is blessed and we are blessed. Praise God!
We will follow the pattern set last year of gathering for one worship service at 8am on April 10. After worship we will go out to the community to serve for the remainder of the morning. Each year we have had over 200 people serving in various ways. I know that not everyone will be able to go and serve, but we can encourage and hold in prayer those who go to serve on our behalf. Go to our website and sign up on line!
I encourage you and ask for your presence in worship on April 10 regardless of whether or not you are able to go out to serve in the community. There are ways to serve at the church and it’s a great benefit to pray for and send folks into the community with your encouragement and prayer. Let the whole body of Christ gather for worship! Without you, we are incomplete. I look forward to worshiping with you at 8am April 10.
Grace and peace,