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Pastors Perspective

April 2018

by Ricky Sanderford on March 31, 2018

Pastor's Perspective

April 1 is Easter. I believe God has a sense of humor and is smiling that the day we celebrate Easter in 2018 is also a day that has been labeled “April Fools”. The crucifixion of Jesus may be the greatest April Fools stunt ever. The apostle Paul said “The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are being destroyed. But it is the power of God for those of us who are being saved” (1 Cor 1:18).

This Easter also marks the second weekend of opening the sanctuary. The schedule of Easter Sunday is two identical worship services. One at 9 am and the other at 11 am. The musical talent and excellence of the Motet Choir and Witness will combine to offer the inspirational Easter cantata, “Amazing Love How Can It Be”. I know God will be glorified and we will be blessed.

On April 8, we begin our new Sunday morning worship schedule:

8:30 – Early Morning Worship in the Sanctuary
10:45 – Contemporary Worship in the Fellowship Center
11:00 – Late Morning Worship in the Sanctuary

One of the goals of having another worship space is the ability to move the contemporary worship later in the morning. Later in the morning is a more attractive time for the younger generation and parents with children. We pray and expect our numbers in worship attendance to increase so that more people will encounter the transforming love of Jesus Christ so that FUMC is more fruitful in its mission of making disciples of Jesus for the transformation of the world.

I ask for a spirit of cooperation and experimentation as all three of our worship services go through a period of transition. If this worship schedule is not meeting our goals, then we are open to a different
worship schedule, but we will always get what we have always got if we do the same thing we have always done. Over the next few weeks, we will evaluate our worship life and make necessary adjustments as we move forward to a new normal schedule. Thank you for your open spirit.

Grace and peace,

Tags: 2018, april, pastor, perspective, sanctuary, schedule


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