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Pastors Perspective

August 2016

by Ricky Sanderford on September 15, 2016

I hope your summer has been a blessing to you and your family. Summer time for many families is less structured. There is time to get away if only for a little while. People cope with the south Texas heat by seeking refuge at the beach or traveling to higher elevations where the temperatures don’t break triple digits. Summer is when families with school-age children move and we always say good-bye to some families and hello to others who find their way to the Rio Grande Valley and FUMC.

In the midst of these changes, there is good news. God is with us wherever we go. God leads, guides and sometimes pushes us into an exciting future, one of great blessing. Looking to the future I’m excited about what God will do here in our church, district and conference. We have new leadership coming to our conference. I’m happy to share with you that Bishop Robert Schnase has been assigned to the Rio Texas Annual Conference beginning September 1. I know you join me in welcoming Bishop Schnase home!

Also, Rev. Dr. Ruben Saenz Jr. from the Rio Texas Annual Conference was elected to the office of bishop by the South Central Jurisdiction last month. Bishop Saenz was appointed as bishop in the Great Plains Annual Conference (Kansas and Nebraska). Our El Valle district superintendent, Rev. Laura Merrill has been appointed to be the new Executive Director of the Missional Vitality Center located at the conference office in San Antonio. She follows Bishop Saenz in that role. The new district superintendent for the El Valle District has not been appointed as of this date.

Please join me in praying for these new leaders in the church among us. That with God’s blessing and wisdom they may guide us to be fruitful in our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

See you in worship and around town.

- Ricky

Tags: blog, central, jurisdiction, pastor's, perspective, south, summer


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