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Pastors Perspective

August 2018

by Robert Perales on July 31, 2018

Prayer is a growing focus in the life and ministries of First United Methodist Church in McAllen. Our 10:45 am service has incorporated prayer stations into worship, our sanctuary has been equipped with cushions for our prayer kneelers, and our ongoing ministries of prayer continue. Recently, during our second set of Towards Fruitful Membership classes, which produced eighteen new members at our church, we had a great conversation about prayer.

In this conversation, we talked about how vitally important prayer is for the people of God. Not only is it our primary means of communication with God, but it is one of few ways the people of God can come together to see how God is calling to serve, love, and transform our communities.

 It is through prayer that we are able to hear from God how we are currently fulfilling our Great Commission; it is also how we hear where God is calling us next.

This reflects one of the most exciting possibilities with our newest members – what is God calling us to do next? In the last year, we have seen the phenomenal impact of Emily’s Meals and the tremendous growth of our women’s ministry, Woven Women. I believe God has much for us to do through this church, and the vibrant ministries that are already here have only come into existence through the prayers, and obedience, of faithful Christians.

As we prepare ourselves to enter into a new season of growth and excitement as a new school year begins, let us turn to God in prayer that we will encounter God in all we do and pursue God’s plans for us in our shared ministries at First UMC McAllen.

To the Glory of God,

Pastor Robert

Tags: 2018, august, blog, church, messenger, newsletter, pastor, perales, perspective, prayer, robert


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