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Pastors Perspective

February 2016

by Ricky Sanderford on February 01, 2016

Your faithful love is priceless, God! Humanity finds refuge in the shadow of your wings. They feast on the bounty of your house; you let them drink from your river of pure joy.    -Psalm 36:7-8

What a beautiful word from the psalmist. The psalmist speaks of people feasting on the bounty of God’s house. We have embarked on a journey to increase God’s house, God’s sacred space so more of God’s people can partake of the bounteous grace, love, and acceptance found in God’s house.

Our Harvesting the Fruit capital fund campaign is underway with the goal of raising enough dollars through pledges to build a sanctuary, music space, nursery space and administrative space. I hope everyone has received the initial vision brochure about this campaign. During the month of February, more information will be distributed and Advance Commitment gatherings will happen all leading up to our commitment Sunday on March 6.

The month of February is a critical month for our church. Each Sunday in February will have a special focus and emphasis connected to our campaign. February 7 is Gratitude Sunday where everyone will have the opportunity to fill out a card expressing what you are grateful for in relation to God and our church. February 14 is Ministry Sunday where the wide array of the ministries we engage in will be on display. The focus on February 21 is prayer.

February 28 is Celebration Sunday. This is a day where all the church will come together for one worship service so we can express our unity in Jesus Christ and the call Jesus has on us to make disciples for the transformation of the world. We will celebrate together the long history and faithfulness of this church family that stretches back over 100 years. Worship that day will be at 10:30am with “Dinner on the Grounds” to follow.

I encourage everyone to make worship attendance this month a priority for you and your family. Each Sunday will build upon the last leading us to our great celebration on February 28 and commitment Sunday March 6. Watch your mail and email for more information. Let us all gather as the body of Christ we call First United Methodist Church to worship and celebrate God’s goodness and generosity together. Thank you and I look forward to celebrating with you in worship.

Grace and peace,

Tags: building, harvesting, prayer


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