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Pastors Perspective

July 2018

by Ricky Sanderford on June 30, 2018

If there is one lesson I’ve learned from a major building project that
lesson is patience. That lesson gets reinforced the closer we are to
100% completion of the sanctuary with a few last things to be done
and issues resolved. The biggest project that awaits completion is
the installation of the partition walls in the rear of the sanctuary.
First, they were delayed in production, then the first set was too
long and the second set were damaged in shipping so we are waiting
for the hoped-for final set!

We are waiting for the partition doors to be installed before the
sound techs come back and do their final work and adjustments on
the sound systems because having the partitions closed affect the
acoustic properties of the sanctuary.

Waiting is hard. Frustrations rise while waiting and hope wane at
the same time. But, we are a people called to wait. The writer of 1 Timothy says, “At last the champion’s wreath that is awarded
for righteousness is waiting for me. The Lord, who is the righteous
judge, is going to give it to me on that day. He’s giving it
not only to me but also to all those who have set their heart on
waiting for his appearance.” (4:8)

We wait not by sitting around, but we wait actively. We engage
the world with the love of God in Jesus Christ while we wait. We
teach our children and youth and worship together as we wait.
The partitions will be installed and the champion’s wreath has
been reserved for you! So, we wait and serve. We wait and sing.
We wait and worship. We wait and rejoice. See you in worship
and around the community.

Grace and peace,

- Ricky

Tags: 2018, church, july, messenger, newsletter, pastor, perspective, wait


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