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Pastors Perspective

June 2018

by Ricky Sanderford on May 31, 2018

The saying time flies when you are having fun is certainly an accurate
description of life and ministry as part of the McFirst family. I
am beginning the 10th year of my ministry as one of your pastors,
yet it seems I just finished unpacking the last box a few weeks ago.
Come to think of it, I did open a box recently that was sealed with
tape from our move in 2009. Speaking on behalf of the Sanderford
and Perales families, we are blessed and thankful to return to continue
our ministry together with this wonderful church family and
look forward to continued effective ministry.

Speaking of time flying, 2018 is almost half over. Summer is upon
us and all indications are it's going to be hot. 100 degree days have
already been forecasted and experienced! This is a traveling congregation and I know many people are off to see family, go on vacation and experience a wide range of summer adventures. I ask everyone to remember each other in prayer and I pray God’s continued blessing upon each of us.

In the midst of your journeys, remember the church in your prayers
and in your giving. Giving to the ministries of the church does
not come in 1/12 every month, but the ministry of the church
continues throughout the summer. June brings Mission Service
Project for our youth and VBS for our children. July contains
Mission and Music Camp, Youth Week and camp for our youth
in the mountains of New Mexico.

Let’s come to the fall without having to make us a summer shortage
in our giving. Regular, systematic giving is one of the keys to
a growing, close relationship with Jesus Christ. As Paul said in 2
Corinthians 9:7-8: Each of you must give as you have made up
your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a
cheerful giver. And God is able to provide you with every blessing
in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything,
you may share abundantly in every good work.

Have a blessed and safe summer. Thank you for all you do for
Christ and his church. See you in worship and stay cool.

- Ricky

Tags: 2018, church, june, messenger, newsletter, pastor, perspective, summer


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