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Pastors Perspective

March 2016

by Ricky Sanderford on March 01, 2016

Not an Equal Gift, But an Equal Sacrifice

I always look forward to the month of March. Here in south Texas spring usually gets underway in earnest. With spring comes a sense of life being renewed and rejuvenated. The bougainvillea and other flowers are in bloom. Spring gardens are planted and growing. Migrating birds from the south begin to make their way through the Rio Grande Valley.

This March also includes our journey to the cross on Palm/Passion Sunday, March 20, and the celebration of Christ’s resurrection as Easter comes on March 27. Check out this newsletter for a complete Holy Week schedule.

Our Harvesting the Fruit capital fund campaign also wraps up this month. Last month we experienced wonderful worship at our Gratitude Sunday, Ministry Impact Sunday and our Celebration Sunday. God’s presence was alive, moving and infectious at these services. We saw a number of videos in connection with the campaign and if you haven’t seen them there is a link on or website to the videos. I encourage you to go and watch these testimonials.

This Sunday, March 6 is our campaign commitment Sunday. You should receive in the mail your commitment card for the campaign. As part Holy Communion, each family will have the opportunity to return their commitment card as an act of worship. A number of families have already returned their card and if you returned a card early just write “duplicate” on the card for March 6 and return it that morning. We want everyone to join together that day and participate in this sacred act of worship.

I’m asking you to spend time with God this week in prayer. As you reflect on how God has blessed you, ask this question, “What is it that God wants to do through me in this campaign?” I am praying for you that God will speak clearly to your heart and that God will give you the strength to follow God’s desires for you. If we all do that, then truly God will be glorified by our Harvesting the Fruit campaign. By pulling together with God’s help and remembering not an equal gift, but an equal sacrifice we will have the needed financial resources to move ahead with our plans to build a sanctuary with music rehearsal space, nursery space and administrative space. Thank you and I look forward to seeing you in worship.

All glory and praise to God!

Grace and peace,

Tags: blog, harvesting, march, pastor's, perspective


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