May is a transitional time of year. This is the main month for graduations from high school and college. That event marks a transition in the life of individuals and families. Young people are given new labels: graduate, freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, employed. For some, the empty nest knocks on the door. In our mobile society the end of May marks the greatest migration of families moving to new cities for jobs and careers.
We see this transition in our church. Attendance in worship drops after Easter. This is especially noticeable as our Winter Texans depart for northern homes. We move into the summer months where schedules are more flexible. It’s time for vacations, summer camps, the beach and the like. Here at FUMC it’s also time for Mission Service Project, VBS, music and mission camps for children to name a few.
I use to think that summer months were slower, but have come to realize some of the most important ministry with our children and youth occur during the summer. It’s then we have a chance to spend more than a hurried hour or two with them. Relationships are built that last and grow throughout the year.
What God is doing through us here at FUMC happens year round. God blesses lives through the ministry of this church twelve months a year! Our lives are in a constant state of transition, but God’s love for you in Jesus Christ is the constant, unchanging foundation upon which to build your life. Recognize God wherever you may find yourself. See Christ in the face of those around you and give thanks. Live for God 365 days a year. I look forward to worshipping with you.
Grace and peace,