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Pastors Perspective

November 2017

by Ricky Sanderford on October 31, 2017

Pastor's Perspective

November brings with it many things to look forward to. The harshness of the weather wanes. Some look forward to getting out in the south Texas brush after the buck of their dreams. Some celebrate the seasonal ending of Daylight Saving Time on the first Sunday of the month. Others view November as the gateway to the month of December with Advent and Christmas traditions.

Most people connect November with Thanksgiving. It’s time for family, food and a football frenzy! While it is good to focus on giving thanks for all our blessings, I’ve always thought Thanksgiving at its best is a reminder to give thanks, each day. The holiday shines as an example to live with and show gratitude every day. Each day we enjoy God’s gift of life and blessing. Each day should be one to express our thanks.

All Saints day occurs the first Sunday of November. We remember with thanks all those that are part of the church family who has transitioned to the church triumphant over the past year. All Saints Day serves as a reminder that one day we will be remembered and our name will be offered up to God as part of worship. Our future is secure in the love and grace of God. We can look forward to the future, not with fear and timidity, but with hope and confidence. This is a great reason for thanksgiving and praise!

I ask for your continued prayers for God’s wisdom and guidance as the sanctuary moves closer to completion in a few months. How we practice hospitality and how we help people grow in their discipleship are two important ministries we want to do with excellence. Have an idea that would enhance these two ministries? Let us know. See you in worship and around the community.

Grace and peace,

Tags: all, pastor, perspective, saints, thanksgiving


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