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Pastors Perspective

Pastor's Perspective December 2019

by Ricky Sanderford on November 28, 2019


Our entire life is a journey. It’s a journey from babyhood to adolescence to adulthood and beyond. For the follower of Jesus Christ, we say it is a journey from life here and now to life there and then. Journeys are not necessarily easy, but they can be rewarding, satisfying and joyous. Journeys are indeed a learning experience.

An aspect of the human life and journey that we must learn is generosity. Babies are all about themselves crying to get their needs taken care of. Youngsters have to learn to share, say thank you and express appreciation. How many times have you told a child after they have received something, “Now, what do you say?”

Journey to Generosity is the name of our 2020 ministry budget campaign. This title recognizes that we never complete the journey to generosity in this life. We are always moving toward generosity.  The journey is ongoing for all of us.

Of course, the reason we can even imagine and experience our own generosity is because of the generosity God has shown us, especially in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God has given to us of himself with an abundance of generosity. It is a generosity we can never hope to match, but we honor and worship God as we continue to grow in the generosity of our lives.

One of the wonderful blessings of being part of a church is that as we join our generosity together with other people’s generosity, great things are accomplished in the lives of hurting people and in our community all to the glory of God. Together we do far more than we could ever do on our own.

Over the next few weeks as we journey through Advent and prepare to celebrate once again God’s generosity in the gift of Jesus, we will learn more about this important spiritual truth that “Together, We Do More”.

The Journey to Generosity campaign will culminate on Baptism of the Lord Sunday, January 12. On that Sunday we will worship with a “Remembering Your Baptism” service and everyone will have an opportunity to make commitment as part of their Journey to Generosity.

I ask you to make it a priority to participate in worship each week so we can finish the year strong in our giving and in our serving. See you in worship and around the community.

Grace and peace,

Pastor Ricky




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