Early in the morning, well before sunrise, Jesus rose and went to a
deserted place where he could be alone in prayer. -Mark 1:35
Jesus is consistently portrayed in the gospels as having a balance of
engagement with God’s mission and time set apart to communion
with God. This balance promotes spiritual health and a growing relationship with God. We would do well to follow Jesus’ example. In
2002, our church outlined a policy with the approval of the Staff
Parish Relations Committee to help promote that balance for the
clergy and other paid staff. After a period of busy engagement of a building campaign and two capital fund drives I feel the need to focus on my own communion with God in a more deliberate way. As our
SPRC chair, Wayne Johnson has shared in this newsletter I will
be taking eight weeks away beginning August 5. This will
afford me time to focus on spiritual direction for my life and
my own relationship with God.
I thank God and you for this opportunity to re-tune, renew,
and retool. I will be attending other churches similar in size to
ours to experience how others worship together. Rev. Robert
Perales will be handling the pastoral duties while I’m away so
I ask everyone to support him by your prayers, presence,
gifts, service and witness.
Grace and peace,
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