The Lewis Center for Church Leadership (LCCL) is a think-tank and research organization connected with Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington D.C. Their ministry provides resources to support local churches in their own ministry and leadership development. Last year after extensive research the staff at LCCL identified nine current trends that are impacting the local church in this climate of culture change and the place of the church in our culture. I share them with you here and as you read them ask yourself these questions:
Is this trend impacting FUMC McAllen? If so, how?
What might that mean for our church and ministry going forward?
Here they are:
- Changes in church attendance patterns including decreasing worship attendance across the theological spectrum and less frequent worship attendance among "regular attendees"
- Changing lifestyles, particularly delayed marriage among younger adults
- Growing income inequality and the disturbing tendency for lower-income families to be dechurched
- Demographic shifts and increasing cultural diversity that jeopardize the future of congregations unable to adapt to changes in their communities
- Changes in how people connect with congregations including the eroding paradigm of membership and the importance of entry points other than Sunday worship
- The imperative of reaching beyond church walls in an era when fewer and fewer people are culturally predisposed to finding their way to church on their own
- New more organic approaches to faith formation less dependent on traditional preaching and teaching
- Creative approaches to church financing to enhance economic sustainability in an era when tithes and offerings may no longer be enough
- Changes in the religious workforce such as an increase in part-time and bi- vocational clergy and more laity in significant ministry roles as paid staff or volunteers
It’s healthy to reflect on these and other trends that impact the church of today. I invite conversation around these trends and what they might mean for our ministry together. Keep praying for the church and for our leadership that together we might “…figure out what God’s will is – what is good and pleasing and mature.” (Ro 12:2)
See you in worship and around the community.
Peace, Pastor Ricky