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Pastors Perspective

Pastor's Perspective May 2019

by Ricky Sanderford on May 06, 2019

I’m reflecting back 12 years ago. Makayla Grace Johnson was born at 2 a.m. on April 17 twelve years ago. Makayla is granddaughter number one, grandchild number two. She looked much like her mother, Stefani, when she was she was a baby. Emotions washed over me as I held six pounds, fourteen ounces of life. It was a holy moment. As I looked into her eyes, I was reminded that the first recorded words God spoke to the human creation in Genesis were to be fruitful and multiply. With seven grand-kids, the Sanderfords are doing their part! I was reminded that God is a God of life, and God’s intention is for all of creation to enjoy life in the fullness of God’s presence and Spirit.                                                  Listening to the sighs of Makayla’s breathing reminded me of the privilege and awesome responsibility of raising children. The church plays a vital role in raising children who know God and live in close relationship with God. Ministry with children, youth and adults all carries the basic goal of developing relationships – with God and others. Every time a child is baptized and/or confirmed, the church commits its time, energy and effort to raising that child in the Christian faith. It is a partnership between parents and the church. The saying is true; it takes a community to raise a child. Watching Makayla sleep, I prayed for those who have lost children. We tell ourselves that children are supposed to bury their parents, but we know that does not always happen. Accidents, war and illness visit families and they are left with loss, grief, questions of why, and thoughts of what might have been. God has given us life as a precious gift. This gift should not be taken for granted, as each life carries within it the breath of God.

I thank God for all my grandkids and for all children and pray God would grant me the wisdom to serve as a granddad and as a pastor to all the children. Mission Service Project, VBS, and Mission and Music Camp are only some of the activities for our children and youth this summer. Let’s all work together to make them a great blessing for our young people.                             

Grace and peace,

Tags: christian, church, mcallen


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