Is time alive? How time flies. Is time a commodity? We spend time. Is time something we misplace? Where has the time gone? I’ve lost all track of time. Is time something hard to grasp? Time is so fleeting. Does time grow tired? It’s such a busy time. Time of course is a human invention. We say “In God’s good time, then such and such will happen.” God operates in the eternal – there is no time in eternity.
Time is one way we order our lives. November is upon us. I heard someone say “I can’t believe there are only two months left in the year!” November means different things for different people: the heart of football season, deer season, prep time for Thanksgiving and even Christmas. For us here in the church it means All Saints Sunday, Thanksgiving baskets and preparation work for charge conference, next year’s ministry budget and securing leaders for the new year.
I encourage you to carve out time in your life to focus on God and your own relationship with God. Please think and pray about how God may be encouraging you to take another step on your faith journey. We are constantly being shaped by God in order to experience the abundant life God desires for us in our time. We experience this better when we are intentional about our spiritual practices. I also hope you will think and pray about the people who God might be calling you to introduce to this church family. There are people in our circles who might respond to your invitation to connect with First UMC.
I am looking forward to seeing how God works in our congregation in the time ahead. We have much work to do together, but nothing is beyond our reach when we are partnering with God. Let’s get excited about what God may be doing in our time. May that excitement fill us with energy and joy.
Grace and peace,
Pastor Ricky