Our sanctuary checklist is being whittled down. Our partitions to close off the two overflow sections at the rear of the sanctuary have finally been installed. In addition, communion rail kneeling cushions are in place and handrails have been added to the side steps leading onto the chancel area. More guttering on the outside of the building has also been added to help direct water coming off the expansive roof away from the building. The staff especially appreciates the added gutters over the office doors so they don’t have to go through a waterfall to enter the office area!
Gutters may not seem very glamorous, but the function gutters serve are indispensable. Gutters are channels designed to direct and move water away from a building. This strikes me that our function as followers of Jesus is similar.
We too are channels through which God’s grace and love flow. The flow needs to go not only to others in the church but more importantly the flow of God’s love and grace needs to be directed away from the body of Christ, away from God’s house into the community where people live, work and play.
Many times,
Thank you for all you do for God, our community and this church family. Remember the words of Galatians 6:9, “Let’s not get tired of doing good, because in time we’ll have a harvest if we don’t give up.”
Grace and peace,