Mornings in Mission: Manos Juntas
Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 7:30 AM - 2:00 PM
We hope that you will join us and share your gifts of service, in God's name! We have many ongoing and annual opportunities for service.
To learn more about these service opportunities, join us Sunday mornings at 10:00am during Common Hour at Hands & Feet (...and Mouth to Eat!), an intergenerational time of fellowship and service. Come, have a bite to eat and serve together while learning about how we are God’s Church in our community! It is open to ALL AGES (children and youth through 8th grade must be accompanied by parent or adult). Join us in West Overflow Room off the Sanctuary in the North Building, and contact Susan Hellums with any questions ( ).
For information about any of the opportunities below, please contact Susan Hellums, (956) 686-3784 or
Mornings in Mission are activities we do once or twice a month to serve our brothers and sisters on the Mexico side of our border with our partners, Manos Juntas and Faith Ministry. You can sign up by emailing Susan at or emailing .
Join us TO reach out to our neighbors in downtown McAllen
Join us to give out popsicles to our neighbors in downtown McAllen! We meet at La Chula Michoacana (100 S Main St) at 4:00pm. Come ready to have fun and serve! You can email Susan at with any questions.
First UMC S.O.S is another opportunity for us to serve in our community and invite others to join us! To be the church OUTSIDE our walls! SOS has developed into a year-long relationship with Escandon and Hendricks Elementary. It is our plan to continue this relationship in the future and perhaps develop others in our community! We have done several activities in the past for the students and faculty of this MISD School.
We have helped support a clothing and supply closet at this south McAllen School. We have held breakfasts for Teachers Appreciation Week and have assisted in their fundraisers. We have held back to school drives and more. We also support a breakfast for the Teachers during Teacher Appreciation.
There are other opportunities to read to children throughout the year at other MISD Elementary Schools. Email Susan Hellums at if you are interested in doing this!
Help us build ramps for the disabled in our community
First UMC McAllen partners with Texas Ramp Project to build handicapped accessible ramps (ADA approved) for those in need in our community. This is typically a 4-6 hour endeavor and requires a team for 6-8 people. It is our goal to build 7 ramps per year. Typically, we have a church-wide call for servant volunteers to help at least once a year, in the spring. Otherwise, these are done periodically as time allows.
A full day of service with projects around the RGV for all ages and skill levels
This is a day, typically in the spring, when our Church goes outside the walls, together to serve at various agencies/ministries in our community.
Join us in sorting, packaging and distributing food to our hungry neighbors
Our Food Pantry is an Agency of the FOOD BANK OF THE RGV. We hold Monthly Food Pantries on the third Monday of every month, from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. We gather to prepare bags of food once a month in advance of the Pantry. Monthly emails are sent to our congregation to remind you that we need help. Servant volunteers are always needed! If you have questions about this ministry, just e-mail or call Susan Hellums ( ) or email Carol Dearth ( ).
Work with us to feed the homeless
Emily’s Meals is a ministry for the homeless in our area. Meals, which are often hot lunchs, are served by our church the 2nd and 4th Thursday and 1st Saturday of every month and are then delivered to the homeless around the community. This ministry is sponsored by the Woven Women’s group of our church; however anyone is welcome to serve! If you are interested in helping with this ministry please e-mail Peggy Trom at .
Work with us to feed the homeless
This ministry provides shoes to school-aged children in the McAllen ISD, with a pair of properly fitting shoes appropriate for school! If your gift of service is data entry and/or paperwork, here is a perfect way of serving!
We have a nurse on our staff! If you or someone you love needs a health advocate, give her a call!
Join us in this ministry to provide home-cooked meals to those in our church family going through a tough time.
Our church partners with the CarePortal of Hidalgo County and child welfare! Child welfare workers uncover needs and CarePortal makes local churches aware, giving them a real-time opportunity to respond. CarePortal supports churches with a heart to help local children and families in crisis. Churches in the network own and sustain this work through time, prayer, and resources. Your help is needed!
We are often able to fulfill the needs of others by virtue of what we have been blessed with ourselves. The life and ministry of this church is no different in this respect. There are at times many opportunities where a truck is needed, such as hauling items for the respite center, Food Bank or Care Portal. If you have the blessing of owning a truck and want to assist in these opportunities and more, we are starting a truck ministry that will afford you another chance to bless others.
When a natural disaster strikes, such as a hurricane, flood or wind event our Church family steps up to assist those affected in our community and beyond, if we are able and have not been affected ourselves. We assist with tarp, health/hygiene kit, and clean-up bucket assembly and distribution. Some of us that are trained, offer assistance in an Early Response Team. Members of our Church also serve on the RGV Long Term Disaster Response. If you are interested in any of this response, please let us know.